Månadsarkiv: Februari 2024
Inlagd: Februari 12, 2024Kategorier: Aktuell
Last week we got to participate in DuuniExpo. DuuniExpo organized at LAB university of applied sciences was full of encounters and networking. Many eager students came to our department to ask about TMT and the job opportunities we offer. We also distributed bags, water bottles and badges at our stand, and the bags in particular were popular. Even the water bottles ran out quickly.
TMT's values essentially include sustainable business and respect for individuals. It is important to us that everyone is treated with respect and dignity and that they have good working conditions.
DuuniExpo was a successful event again this year and thanks to everyone who came to our stand to ask questions and discuss. You can follow our open positions from here and we always accept open applications. Hope to see you next year too!