Don't know who to contact?
TMT's sales team will help you find the right solutions for your transportation

In any company, the sales team plays a key role. These are professionals who build relationships with our customers and represent the face and values ​​of our organization. At the core of our sales team is a group of dedicated people who help our customers find the right solutions and products for transportation.

Here is TMT's expert sales team:
Kaj Tammela

Job title: Sales director and export
Contact: | Mob. +358 44 7420 502

"I have led the sales team and exports for more than four years. Our customer base is diverse, so you get to work in many different positions. We have also successfully acquired new export customers, who have now become regular customers. Our customers are strong factors and cooperation with them works really well."

Hannu Heikkinen

Job title: Project sales
Contact: | Tel. +358 44 7473 966

"Our project sales cover the whole country, but my main sales area is the west coast, from Kokkola to Vaasa. At TMT, work is versatile. I have been a part of this house for nine years, and the best part of my job is managing projects and being successful in them. Our customer base is a professional group with whom things are done successfully."

Eric Nyman

Job title: Sales
Contact: | Tel. +358 44 7251 045

"My career at TMT started in 2014 as a warehouse worker, from which I moved to assembly tasks in production in 2018. This learning journey created a great foundation for the duties of a technical salesperson, which I started in 2019.

At TMT, my geographical sales area consists of Kymenlaakso, Päijät-Häme, Jyväskylä and Seinäjoki areas.

The best part of my job is meeting different customers and solving problems in the best way that supports the customer's operations. In particular, customizing custom-made products together with the customer and our design team is close to my heart, so I have also a little bit of an artist in me.

The industry is constantly developing and always learning new things. This is practically an eternal learning journey from current solutions to the new innovations of the future brought by development."

Joonas Shawar

Job title: Sales
Contact: | Tel. +358 40 755 4045

"I started my career at TMT in January 2024. Before that, I had time to work with reach trucks and personnel lifts for roughly ten years in one way or another - in practice, the path was accompanied by a few intermediate stages from the driver of a rotating reach truck to the area manager.

At TMT, my geographical sales area is relatively wide, including parts of eastern Finland, northern Finland and Swedish Lapland.

The second best thing about this job is constantly learning new things from an outsider's point of view; we have approx. 3,500 standard titles, and on top of that there are variations made to order.

As the best part, I see the opportunity to organize solutions for the customer that support their operations, which in turn, in the best case, contributes to the learning of our organization as well." 

Jyri Malinen

Job title: Key account manager
Contact: | Tel. +358 44 3251 330

"Jyri has a long history at TMT and has strong knowledge of TMT's customers. Cooperation works both with regular customers and other professionals in the field. It's great to help find the TMT products and solutions that support their operations and, above all, to build lasting customer relationships so that it's even easier for customers to get the products they need reliably."


Not sure who your sales contact is?

Contact us and we will direct you to the right person! We help you find the right products and solutions for your needs.